currency exchange rate alerts

£1 per month per tracked rate.

135+ currency pairs supported.

exchange currencies when you want

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... we will let you know when we are live

You tell us what is your desired rate.

We notify you know when it becomes available.

Support for over 135 pairs

Most popular: EUR/GBP, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, EUR/CHF, GBP/HUF. Your favorite not on the list? Let us know!

Multiple notification types support

SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger. Your favorite not on the list? Let us know!

Easy setup in seconds

No app installation needed. Choose your rate and let us do the job.

Automated checks

We continuously track the exchange rates so you don't have to!

£1 per month per tracked rate.

No account running fees. Simple, flat pricing. Forever.

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Large volumes? Big organization? Ideas for features?
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"Hi" from the team

This is the first post on our company blog. Our work on bringing in such a useful tool as easy t...

We new friends!